Zac Robins is currently booking for both Solo Acoustic, and performances with Mirror Game.

Mirror Game is a live performance project where the line up and instrumentation is always changing. Including some of Charlotte's finest, Mirror Game offers a new experience every time they take the stage.

Performing Original Music & Covers from the last half century in 2, 3, or 4pc arrangements. 


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Stella-Rye, 1507 Waxhaw Indian Trail Road, Indian Trail, NC 28079

Come out toStella-Rye a place where everybody knows your name. This location is family friendly Pub, Cafe & Loung , gives off the feeling of a house party with your friends. Now they are offering live music! I'll be out there slinging tunes from 7:00pm to 10pm on Friday June 14th! I don't do a lot of shows in union county anymore so this will be a great opportunity to enjoy a great local business and see me with a home town crowd! See you there!